Prophet’s Revelation

Silvermist is ruled by two kings, and the peoples are divided — the Dree and the Dark Kingdom.  When the Dark King orders an attack on the Dree, a young soldier risks his life to warn them.  Galen has to choose between what is right and his own flesh and blood while the world stands on the brink of another war.

Prophet’s Revelation Review

“This book was so good! I read it twice! It was amazing, and the characters were very well developed. I really like it and would read it again! It has such a deep and powerful message and some parts made me want to cry. It has really good humor, and made me laugh many times. It was an all around very well written piece of work, and spoke so many messages and was very thought provoking! It also made the most exquisite bible references and they were done so WELL!” – Megan